J K Martial Arts

Greatwood Hall, Hollington Road, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, ST10 4JY.

Book a FREE Trial Lesson

Tel: 07939979579

Mobile: 07939979579

Little Ninjas

Little Ninja’s

Little Ninja’s is more than just a martial arts class for kids; it’s an opportunity for your child to embark on a journey of personal development. This program blends Karate and Kickboxing fundamentals with interactive games, skill-building activities, and age-appropriate techniques. But that’s not all – these classes are designed to prepare your child for school life. They’ll develop essential motor skills, improve their communication, enhance coordination, and learn the values of respect and discipline, all while boosting their confidence for a successful school experience.

In our classes, your child will learn:

  • Basic Karate & Kickboxing techniques
  • Bully prevention
  • Balance & Co-ordination
  • Keep fit exercises
  • Self-defence and communication

What our Little Ninja Parents say